Lyman’s Foundation Recommended Reading List
Red River War – View PDF
Archambeau, Ernest R.
1963 The Battle of Lyman’s Wagon Train. Panhandle-Plains Historical Review 36:89-101.
Baker, T. Lindsey and Billy R. Harrison
1986. Adobe Walls: The History and Archeology of the 1874 Trading Post. Texas A&M Press, College Station.
Berthrong, Donald J.
1963 The Southern Cheyenne. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.
Carriker, Robert C.
1970 Fort Supply, Indian Territory Frontier Outpost on the Plains. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.
Chun, Clayton K.S.
2004 U.S. Army in the Plains Indian Wars 1865-91. Osprey Publishing, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Cook, John R.
1989 The Border and the Buffalo. State House Press, Austin, Texas.
Cruse, J. Brett
2008 Battles of the Red River War: Archaeological Perspectives on the Indian Campaign of 1874. Texas A&M Press, College Station.
Gregg, Josiah
1954 Commerce of the Prairies. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.
Haley, James L.
1976 The Buffalo War: The History of the Red River Indian Uprising of 1874. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.
Hoig, Stan
1993 Tribal Wars of the Southern Plains. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.
Jones, Douglas C.
1966 The Treaty of Medicine Lodge: The Story of the Great Indian Council as Told by Eyewitnesses.. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.
Kavanaugh, Thomas W.
1996 The Comanches, A History 1706-1875. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.
Lavender, David
1972 Bent’s Fort. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.
Leckie, William H.
1963 The Military Conquest of the Southern Plains. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.
Lynn, Alvin
2014 Kit Carson and the 1st Battle of Adobe Walls. Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock.
Mayhall, Mildred P.
1971 The Kiowas. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.
Momaday, M.S.
1969 The Way to Rainy Mountain. University of New Mexico Press, Alburquerque.
Nye, Major W.S
1942 Carbine and lance: The Story of Old Fort Sill. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.
1962 Bad Medicine and Good: Tales of the Kiowas. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.
1968 Plains Indian Raiders: The Final Phases of the Warfare from the Arkansas to the Red River. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.
Oswald, James W.
1959 History of Fort Elliott. Panhandle-Plains Historical Review 32:1-59.
Rathjen, Fredrick W.
1973 The Texas Panhandle Frontier. University of Texas Press, Austin.
Robinson, III, Charles M.
1997 Satanta: The Life and Death of a War Chief. State House Press, Kerrville, Texas
Taylor, Joe F. (editor)
1962 The Indian Campaign of the Staked Plains, 1874-1875: Military Correspondence from War Department Adjutant General’s Office, File 2815 - 1874. Panhandle -Plains Historical Society. Canyon, Texas. (Panhandle Plains Historical Review, Volume 35)
Utley, Robert M.
1984 Frontier Regulars: The United States Army, 1866-1891. University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
West, G. Derek
1963 The Battle of Adobe Walls. Panhandle Plain Historical Review, Volume 36:1-36.
Wooster, Robert
1988 The Military and United States Indian Policy, 1865-1903. Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut.